March 2017
Welcome to the beginning of a dream fulfilled. As an avid homebrewer who has embraced the craft brewing lifestyle I have set a goal of starting a brewery when I retire. The beginning of the dream was to select a name that fits our goal of starting a family business that will cater to new friends as they walk into our lives. Afterall, friends are our chosen family which is great because we have the option of unchoosing those who fail to behave like good family members.

Chosen Family Brewing will begin as a teaching service that provides mentoring and instruction for those wishing to begin their journey into home and craft brewing. As we continue to mature in our craft we will write a business plan and seek capital for a physical location for brewing operations. Our plans will include a brewery, a kitchen, and a space reserved for homebrewers to try their hand at creating craft beers that highlight their own journey.

But first, we have to design a web site.

You may contact us by email if you have any questions or would like to begin your own journey into craft brewing.

Jason Schafer, Founder